Friday, August 3, 2012

I have doggie mace, and...

Yes, it is true:  I have doggie mace, and I will use it if provoked.  I will say I am sorry.

I haven't yet, but it always accompanies me on my walks.  Like a gun slinger, I strap it to my belt ready for action at the first snarl, baring of teeth under curled lip, rush of canine flesh and threatening bark.  I know, I know, you love "doggie woggie, my baby, sweet little lover boy," and you think I am cruel.  Come on, it is specially formulated for dogs.

I planned to purchase a five shot can of regular mace that can knock a full grown man into an unconscious state for about 15 minutes, but a dog-loving friend of mine handed me two cans of Halt shortly after hearing my intentions of macing tear-ductless dogs; or maybe it was because I said I would kill the next dog that tried to bite me.  I described my intent to wrestle it to the ground and break its neck: if it is him or me, it's him.  I can't remember at what point my friend freaked out...

I meant it, too.

Don't get me wrong, I like "Precious" under controlled circumstances, but you know the old saying, "once bitten, twice shy..."

What about "twice bitten, kill the next one?  - or mace it."  Yep, this is a "me" you didn't know existed.  I am normally mild-mannered and try to be nice to everyone,  but this really is my story.  It isn't premeditated, it's prepared.

I know what your are thinking, "My dog is all bark and no bite.  He's just a sweetie who wouldn't hurt anyone." Maybe when YOU are around that is true, but without you, your dog is, well, a dog.  In my experience, 99% of dogs, absent their owners and sometimes with, will behave in a menacing manner toward a stranger walking, running, or biking past their property.  If they are in a pack, they are even more menacing (attacked by 4 dogs about a year and a half ago while walking).

So, how does this fit in with the new me?  Well, obviously, I no longer intend to be bitten or scared out of my ever-lovin' mind while defenseless on my walks.

Why am I writing about this.?

Once again, an owner let "sweet little baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, give mommy a kiss" out in the yard this morning, unattended, probably for an innocent potty trip, and "sweet baby" turned his doberman act on me as I walked by.  With pounding heart and adrenaline laced veins, I turned on my version of "dog whisperer" and avoided unholstering my defense mechanism, but I have to ask, "Who is really at fault here?"  The dog?  Me?  Or the owner?

Do your dog and me a favor, and don't put either of us in a frightening, possibly violent situation.  Never leave him unattended and free outside:  leash or fence him.  We will both thank you.


  1. But what about turbo? The friendly, walking dog who joined us for several miles and happily went home when we passed his house?

  2. I had you with me, so that made me brave. I am always braver when I have my own pack. Thanks for being "my dawg."

  3. I have to agree with you. I don't like to have dogs chase me when walking, jogging, or biking. I think it would be appropriate to mace the dog and owner both. Dog owners who allow their dogs to attack passersby are little more than passive bullies.

  4. You made me laugh and then agree with you. I have been around dog owners who are smugly satisfied when their dog goes on the offensive, mistakenly considering it defensive. Responsible dog ownership doesn't encourage the dog to target everyone who is not a family member. That just leads to trouble.
